Alternative roaming providers

In accordance with (EU) Directive 531/2012, as of 01/07/2014 you may choose to use regulated roaming services from alternative roaming providers in terrestrial public mobile networks within the European Union (including Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway).

To be able to use an alternative roaming provider while in other EU countries, you must conclude an additional contract with this provider. You can switch to an alternative roaming provider at any time free of charge. The national contractual obligations with Ortel Mobile GmbH remain in place.

There are two types of alternative roaming providers for you to choose from in other EU countries:

  • Alternative roaming providers for all regulated roaming services – that is, voice, text messaging and data services
  • Providers of local data roaming services

Tip: Before switching to an alternative roaming provider, carefully compare their terms with the favourable terms of Ortel Mobile's roaming services. Ortel Mobile's rates for other EU countries: Incoming calls cost€0.00/minute and the charge for outgoing calls within the EU is only €0.05/minute. Mobile surfing costs €0.05/MB and each text message sent in the EU is charged at €0.02. In addition, the EU Internet-Paket 100 and EU Sprach-Paket 100 are available for only €4.99 per 7-day period. Details of your current roaming terms can be found in the download area. 


Alternative roaming providers for all regulated roaming services:

The following information applies for providers of all regulated roaming services – that is, voice, text messaging and data services.

You can only select an alternative roaming provider that is technically connected to E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG. Unfortunately, there are currently no alternative roaming providers that are connected to E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG. As a result, it is not possible to switch providers at this point in time.

As soon as an alternative roaming provider has connected to E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG, you can switch to an alternative roaming provider free of charge at any time – and this process will take place within one working day. You will be informed about the successful switch via a text message from Ortel Mobile.

Alternative roaming providers only offer you regulated roaming services. To do so, they can only use the foreign mobile networks and roaming services (telephony, text messaging and data) that are likewise available to you with Ortel Mobile.

You will receive the invoice comprising the fees for the regulated roaming services used from your alternative roaming provider. If you have any questions regarding your invoice, please contact your alternative roaming provider.

Non-regulated roaming services will continue to be billed by Ortel Mobile. This applies, for example, for outgoing calls or text messages from another EU country to a country outside the EU or for the use of roaming services in a country that is not in the EU (including Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway).

Switching roaming provider:
After switching to an alternative roaming provider, you can use Ortel Mobile's roaming services again or switch to a different alternative roaming provider free of charge at any time. To use Ortel Mobile's roaming services again, please call the hotline (0177-177-1138*). * For mobile phone calls from the E-Plus network for Ortel Mobile prepaid customers in Germany and abroad, please dial 1138 (in Germany: €0.49/call; from abroad: price and increments based on the selected roaming tariff). To call from another German network, dial 0177-177 1138 (the call is charged at the rate specified by your service provider for mobile calls to the E-Plus network).

Switching national provider:
Please note that if you switch to a different German mobile provider and have a valid contract with an alternative roaming provider, the new German mobile provider may not support your current alternative roaming provider.


Providers of local data roaming services:

The following information applies for local providers that only offer access to regulated data roaming services. Important: Costs arising from telephony and text messaging services will continue to be billed by Ortel Mobile.

Ortel Mobile does not have a list of providers offering local data roaming services in the EU.

You can register for local regulated data roaming services free of charge but only while in another EU country or in Liechtenstein, Iceland or Norway. Activation depends on your chosen local provider.

Please note: If E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG does not have a data roaming agreement with your chosen local provider abroad, you will not be able to use this service.

Device settings:
If you want to use a local provider of regulated data roaming services, you are required to manually change the preconfigured access point name (APN) on your mobile device. Please ensure that you are connected to the network of your chosen local provider at all times – by manually selecting the network – because connection to all other networks will be billed as usual by Ortel Mobile.

APN settings for local data roaming services abroad:
Username: Please leave empty
Password: Please leave empty

Important: Upon returning to Germany, you must restore the original, pre-configured access point names (APNs) on your mobile device to be able to use mobile data in Germany again.


You will receive the invoice for the regulated mobile data services used from the local provider. If you have any problems with billing or questions regarding tariffs, please contact your chosen local provider.
Costs arising from telephony and text messaging services will continue to be billed by Ortel Mobile.

If you have any questions regarding activation, changing settings on mobile devices, complaints, invoices and availability, please contact the alternative roaming provider.

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Ortel Mobile is a company of the E-Plus Group.

Your advantages at Ortel Mobile

SIM card without contract

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Pay in advance

Prepaid means paying in advance. You purchase a SIM card, which you top up with credit. Then you can book a suitable option from our large selection on your card. Calls and SMS will only be blocked once you have depleted your credit. However, you will still be reachable.

No long-term contract

You do not have to sign a long-term contract. To phone with Ortel, all you need is a mobile phone without a SIM lock. You can order your SIM card online for free or with your starting credit.

Change options flexibly

You can change your Ortel tariff flexibly every month. With Ortel you always are in full control over your mobile phone and telephone expenses.

No additional fees

Since there is no basic tariff yet, there are no additional costs with an Ortel prepaid card. There is no unpleasant surprise when checking the telephone bill.

Flat rate tariffs for smartphone users

Ortel also offers flexible tariffs for smartphone users. Internet flat rates for mobile surfing can be booked as an option - monthly and hassle-free. The good thing is that you can cancel these rates on a monthly basis. If you expect high Internet consumption in the next month or know that you will be travelling a lot, we offer you a one-off booking option.